Wednesday, September 24, 2008

User Account Control dalam Vista

User Account Control(UAC) merupakan salah satu daripada ciri keselamatan yg terdapat dalam Microsoft Vista. UAC membantu melindungi penukaran tetapan yang tidak dibenarkan dalam komputer anda. Mesej kebenaran dan katalaluan administrator akan keluar jika pengguna melakukan sebarang penukaran dalam komputer. Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda hendak mematikan ciri keselamatan ini, ianya adalah mudah.

Cara mematikan UAC dalam Vista

1. Start > Control Panel.

2. Klik Security > Parental Options.

3. Klik User Account di tepi bawah sebelah kiri windows.

4. Klik Turn User Account Control on or off.

5. Hilangkan tanda "TICK" pada kotak untuk mematikan fungsi UAC dan klik OK.

6. Restart komputer anda.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Kepada semua masyarakat Malaysia yang beragama Islam diucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa..... Selamat Berpuasa!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Scam - Make Zenny

This is a video that i capture, so that ppl can see the activity of the scammer.

[+] more info

Friday, May 23, 2008

5 Orang Terkaya Malaysia 2008

Senarai 5 orang terkaya di Malaysia:
  1. Robert Kuok (Raja Gula) - RM 10 billion
  2. Ananda Krishnan (Raja Telekomunikasi) - RM 7.2 billion
  3. Lee Shin Cheng (Raja Minyak Kelapa Sawit) - RM 5.5 billion
  4. Teh Hong Piow (Raja Duit) - RM 3.5 billion
  5. Lee Kim Hua & family (Ratu Kontraktor) - RM 3.4 billion
[+] Malaysia's Richest
[+] Berita Harian

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tukang Tilik, Orang Penting Negara

Taufan Nargis yang baru-baru ini melanda Myanmar telah banyak memusnahkan harta-benda dan meragut ramai nyawa penduduk di negara tersebut. Sehinggakan seorang tukang tilik dari Yangon, Myint Lwin berasa kesal kerana gagal meramalkan kedatangan taufan Nargis di negara itu. Dalam negara yang nasib seseorang, baik bidang ekonomi dan politik ditentukan tukang ramal dan kepercayaan mistik, Myint Lwin berikrar untuk melakukan dengan lebih baik pada masa depan.

Tambahan :
[+] Foto taufan Nargis
[+] Berita Harian
[+] Utusan Malaysia

Monday, May 19, 2008

Dr Mahathir keluar Umno!!!

Dipetik dari malaysiakini

Mantan perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini mengumumkan keluar dari Umno berkuatkuasa serta merta dan menggesa ahli-ahli Umno yang lain supaya turut berbuat demikian.

Katanya, beliau bertindak keluar parti - yang diterajuinya selama 22 tahun sehingga 2003 - kerana tidak yakin dengan kepimpinan penggantinya, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Sebelum itu, semasa majlis dailog dengan kira-kira 1,000 orang yang menghadirinya, beliau mencadangkan Ketua-ketua Umno cawangan dan bahagian keluar parti beramai-ramai sehinggalah perdana menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi letak jawatan.

Katanya, ini kerana jika mereka tunggu sehingga pemilihan Umno Disember ini, Abdullah akan menang tanpa bertanding jawatan itu.

Beliau terus membuat pengumuman keluar parti apabila salah seorang hadirin mencabarnya membuat pengumuman itu.

"Saya umum saya keluar parti hari ini," katanya di hadapan hadirin yang kebanyakannya ahli Umno Kedah di majlis bertajuk "Nasib kedudukan Bangsa Melayu" di sebuah hotel di Alor Star hari ini.

Dalam reaksinya, seorang lagi pemimpin veteran Umno, Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, yang merupakan penyokong setia Dr Mahathir dan bekas menteri besar Kedah, turut mengumumkan keluar parti.

Dr Mahathir juga berkata beliau hanya akan kembali menjadi ahli Umno selepas Perdana menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang juga presiden Umno, meletak jawatan atau tidak lagi menjadi pemimpin utama negara.

"Saya akan menulis surat kepada Umno bagi memaklumkan mereka (mengenai eluar dari Umno)," katanya.

Dr Mahathir turut menggesa kesemua menteri Umno, timbalan menteri dan semua peringkat pemimpin, supaya bersama dengannya keluar dari parti.

Bagaimanapun, beliau meminta mereka supaya jangan menyertai parti-parti yang lain.

"Tunggulah hingga Abdullah letak jawatan sebagai perdana menteri dan presidenparti, dan kita boleh kembali semula kepada Umno," katanya.

+ berita penuh

+ Berita Harian

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Isu Blackout Di Sabah

"Di Semenanjung, 1 jam putus, 1 dunia heboh. Di Sabah, seharian... pampasan pun tidak ada....." YB Datuk Seri Ghapur Salleh

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Event Quest!!!

This is event committed by GM. The Quest of Event is to find 5 ticket that can be acquired if PPL slays monster in particular MAPS . I participate this event, but only for fun. GM had put MVP in stated MAP. I try to murder Valkyrie Randgris together with other PPL but very difficult. Finally I dead stretched out are killed by MVP.
p/s: See the Sonic Blow of Valkyrie, omg 60k.... very hurt

How to go in to that 2 MAPS?
Someone, plz help me....

Morroc Town Become Crowded

So hard to find the kafra and warp npc. Even, the granny also. The vending PPL blocking the npc. Plus, they are some of them deliberate to do that to go to JAIL...

GM, plz take an action!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is embrassing

This is so embarrassing. "WHAT IS THIS"? I believe you all know about this "thing". If you want dump the pad, then you should know where the right place to throw it. Do not simply throw away the pad on the ladder!!! What a shame. Think about it.

Virus Again

I go to the PTM lab yesterday to find material for assignment . My pendrive was clean from any virus. After I use the computer in PTM lab, I found that my pendrive was attack with this virus. I use Avira antivirus, but this antivirus do not detect this virus.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Notice to beware to robber

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Play music is not unfamiliar in my life. If there were new song, I shall be concentrated to be playing that song as the real song. Therefore, I need tablature to be playing it. Following are 5 web page to me to find the tablatures.
Ultimate-Guitar is website major to find tab. Apart from that, there were also, many songs code, lyrics and powertabs. Try it with your own

ROBBERY actively in my place

This is a disaster. The building flat where I live has become thief nest. So far, already 5 successful house broke in by thief. Laptop, camera, money and others have been exhausted seized by that thief. Today, my friend home has been theft victim. She lost her laptop. Very sadly....

The thief was very professional. Although the iron fence and door house was locked, the thief still can open that barriers. Another one thing is the thief also know whether there are person at home or not. At the second the thief knows, he/she will start this immoral act. May also, the thief lives nearby with my flat.

To local residents, please report immediate this matter to the POLICE. Do not wait until your house falls victim further.

I'm Coming Back

Hello friends. It's been a half of the years I didn't update my blog. Several of my friends start asking we whether I'm still blogging. Ya... actually, I have think about it. Because of that, I'll start updates my blog. But.... I cannot currently do that. Because, I've many work to do. I'll do my best.... k. Thanks for yours support.