Monday, August 27, 2007

Google Hacking

Basically, it's the ability to use Google for finding hidden bits of data or information that the hacker can use for his advantage (hacking Google search appliance). Let's say that you are a black hacker and want to access the email account of a chosen victim.

The first thing that hacker's do is to find out what is the secret question in the email account of their prey. Let's say that the secret question asks the name of the pet of the account owner.

How can the hacker learn it? Besides asking the pet's name to his victim, it's probable that that bit of information is lost somewhere in the internet. Maybe the owner went into a forum regarding pet insurance and left inside the name of his dog. These are the kind of things that Google permits to find.

Another common use is to hack Google adsense click. That way your webpage will have a higher position when a related query is made through Google. After all, more clicks means more money for you.

If you want to make a typical search in Google, let's say, house insurance, you only need to put those words in the query bar and press the search button. In the case of a Google hacker, he will use special characters that the common user doesn't use or doesn't even considered using. For example: +, /, and -.

Each one of these characters are used for special purposes. For example, if you use the minus sign just before a determined word, like dog, Google will only show those searches were the word dog doesn't appear.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ghost in PANGSA

Huh... Because of histeria, my house and room is distributed with many salt lump and pepper. They call it "pemagaran" to avoid the "ghost" distrub the student again. Why histeria is always happening to the girls. Because the one who get histeria in pangsa is a girl. I can't get the detail because the girl block is to far from my block. Also, I don't know any junior that live at that block. I think the YASSIN already been read for 1 week. And the salt lump and pepper is distributed at Friday night (malam Jumaat). The one who distributed it say that this things just can be clean at Sunday. So today, I can clean it. I have to sweep and mop my room :(. Hopely, there are no more histeria happen again. I getting tired to clean my room everytime there is histeria happen in pangsa.

The Ghost said: "I already located in Pangsapuri. Who's want to be my slave. Hahahha."

Thursday, August 2, 2007

She Make Baby??!!

10 tech skills needed in IT

This are the skill that you need to master if you want to be a Network Administrator:

- Voice over IP
- Unified communications
- Hybrid networks
- Wireless technology
- Remote user support
- Mobile user support
- Software as a service
- Virtualization
- IPv6
- Security

Can you accept the challenge to master all the skill in quite short time??? You can try it but don't over-do-it.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

How is PageRank(PR) Calculated?

(webworkshop) PR is a one of the way to calculate the rank of the website. PR also represent how important a page on the web. When one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is.

How is PR calculated??? To calculate the PageRank for a page, all of its inbound links are taken into account. These are links from within the site and links from outside the site.

PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn))

That's the equation that calculates a page's PageRank. It's the original one that was published when PageRank was being developed, and it is probable that Google uses a variation of it but they aren't telling us what it is. It doesn't matter though, as this equation is good enough.

In the equation 't1 - tn' are pages linking to page A, 'C' is the number of outbound links that a page has and 'd' is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.

We can think of it in a simpler way:-

a page's PageRank = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a "share" of the PageRank of every page that links to it)

"share" = the linking page's PageRank divided by the number of outbound links on the page.

A page "votes" an amount of PageRank onto each page that it links to. The amount of PageRank that it has to vote with is a little less than its own PageRank value (its own value * 0.85). This value is shared equally between all the pages that it links to. One of the example is shown below.

Now begin again with each page being allocated PR1. Link page A to page B and run the calculations for each page. We end up with:-

Page A = 0.15
Page B = 1
Page C = 0.15

Page A has "voted" for page B and, as a result, page B's PageRank has increased. This is looking good for page B, but it's only 1 iteration - we haven't taken account of the Catch 22 situation. Look at what happens to the figures after more iterations:-

After 100 iterations the figures are:-

Page A = 0.15
Page B = 0.2775
Page C = 0.15

It still looks good for page B but nowhere near as good as it did. These figures are more realistic. The total PageRank in the site is now 0.5775 - slightly better but still only a fraction of what it could be.



Hahaha... once again I come back with the story of Pontianak Taman Manis. I like to share this story with you all. Yesterday, my friend told me about his friends is disturbed by the ghost. Actually, his friend live at Taman Manis. The story begin after the midnight when his friend busy doing homework. Suddenly he hear a sound that come from the roof. He said the is unusual. Sometimes, there are a sound like scratch, jump and many more. So, he is so afraid. At that night he couldn't sleep until morning come. I don't know about the others at that house if they heard that sound. Maybe they already sleep. But, there is no proved that it is a ghost. Maybe it is a cat jumping from one roof to another or something. Think and stare about it....